Get Moving

A great way to get moving is by hiking. It is great for your body to get some fresh air and go for a walk outside. Being in the sun can help you to feel happier, but always wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Being outdoors can be very relaxing to just see the beauty like the mountains. If you find yourself stressed, it is a perfect time to grab a good pair of shoes, maybe a light snack and go hiking. I periodically find myself in awe of the beauty found in nature. You might even be surprised what you find. On my hike, I found a Hairy Woodpecker, Western Bluebird, bumble bee and a weird looking ant. Also, found some snow! For living in Las Vegas and it being in the 90's, we still found some snow up in Mount Charleston. Bring your family on your hike and you can bond and have a lot of fun. If you don't hike often, remember to stretch afterwards to help with muscle soreness.

Contact us today for some great hiking tips and recommendations!

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